Saturday 15 March 2008

let them eat cake!

I made this birthday cake for someone at work this week, subbing in prune puree for the oil, because I find oily cake yuck, and using, um, a full cup of chopped candied ginger. The oozey icing is tofutti/soy yogurt/ginger/icing sugar. Between the layers of cake there is lots of squishy orange marmalade with chopped up candied ginger. I wanted the cake to be ooey gooey so that everyone would have to lick their fingers and be not-grownup about eating it. There is also a picture of me doing the icing dance, since we all know that cakes end up being much more beautiful if they are made with love and dancing.
icing dance music: cole porter. you're the top.


medici said...

for those who might wonder:

this cake was the rage of the biology department. it was devoured, and rapidly so. i was carrying leftovers down the hall towards my office when i found myself surrounded by a small band of cake-crazed nerds who maneuvered me into their isolated office, where they proceeded to slice away all but a tiny sliver of cake, which they allowed me to keep. it was a chilling experience. but such is the impact of outstanding beet cake. now i know.

this cake was spectacular.

radioactivegan said...

I love the icing dance! very cute. the cake looks absolutely delicious.