Saturday 17 January 2009

parsnip pirate soup

Okay, this has nothing to do with pirates, but I have a thing for pirates and alliteration. A friend left me some hand picked and dried sage, and it inspired this: Quick soup: chop up 1 small onion, 1 medium spud, 1 large or 2 medium parsnips. Add water to cover, and set on the stove to simmer. Add a clove or two of garlic. Simmer away! When everything is done, puree, return it to the pot and add a sprinkle of sage, a spoonful of nutritional yeast (the size of the spoon should correspond to your love or hate of nutritional yeast) a dash of liquid smoke (or some smoked paprika), and salt + black pepper to taste. Top with lots of chopped parsley. Drizzle with olive or truffle oil if you want to bring out the muskyness of the parsnips. Easy peasy good, and it doesn't take much time away from other pressing things (like piracy on the high seas, or population genetics). If you want to use this as a starter for a fancy dinner instead of for a quick lunch all in itself, roast the potatoes, parsnips and onion first, instead of boiling them, and then puree them with veg broth or even soy milk, adding the garlic at that point, then continue on adding spices.

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